Don’t Miss Adobe, Oracle, Marketo & Salesforce On the MarTech Main Stage – Register Now!

If you’re responsible for creating exceptional customer experiences with marketing technology, MarTech Europe is a must-attend event.

MarTech is unique. You’ll be inspired by industry pioneers from leading brands and agencies who are responsible for delivering business results with marketing technologies.

MarTech is vendor-agnostic. You’ll hear from a variety of leading marketing cloud and technology vendors. And when you do, internationally recognized marketing technology expert and conference chair Scott Brinker will keep them on topic and out of sales mode.

MarTech is about collaboration. Successful technology implementation depends on it. Marketers working with IT. Brands with system integrators and consultants. Learn how others have overcome the managerial and cultural roadblocks.

Keep reading for a sampling of sessions on the MarTech agenda. Then register and save £200 before beta rates expire Friday.


Descriptions of Selected Sessions and Topics…

Successful Agency/Client Collaboration in Marketing Technology. Ian Mahoney, the head of delivery services at Marks & Spencer, and Pinak Vedalankar, director of technology at SapientNitro, will share how Marks & Spencer launched an entirely new in-house commerce platform — a branded content and commerce engine conceived and engineered for M&S’s technology-empowered consumer, providing an omni-channel experience across web, tablet, mobile, customer service, in-store kiosks and digital signage. Daniel Kirby, CEO of Techdept, Rick Grundy, CTO of Techdept, and Arthur Tindsley, creative technologist at Microsoft Advertising, will describe the collaborative software project they built for retailer John Lewis for Christmas 2014, where children could take their toys into the flagship store and bring them to life as interactive animations.

Marketing Technology and the Internet of Things. In addition to Thomas Burklé’s presentation on the Uber-isation of business models, Andy Hobsbawm, the CMO of EVRYTHNG, will explain how businesses adopting IoT technology are digitizing physical assets and turning products into dynamic, web-connected, intelligent objects that play an active, functional role in how they are made, sold and used.

Understanding the Collision of Adtech and Martech. Rebecca Muir, head of research and analytics at ExchangeWire, will moderate an all-star panel on the impact of marketing technology and advertising technology coming together. Participants will include: Zuzanna Gierlinska, director of data management platforms at Oracle, Caspar Schilickum, CEO of Xaxis EMEA, Steve Webb, region director of Atlas EMEA for Facebook, and Rakesh Patel, commercial director of digital at Auto Trader UK. The panel will discuss:

  • How the vendor landscape is changing
  • How that change affects relationships between agencies and brands
  • The new capabilities marketers are getting from closer integration of these technologies
  • The challenges — technical, operational, cultural, regulatory — that must be overcome

The Human Side of Marketing Analytics. Colin Strong, managing director of Verve and author of Humanizing Big Data, believes that deriving the full value of martech won’t happen if the human aspects of analysis are ignored. Big data and machine learning are of little value if people are excluded from the equation. But what are these aspects and how do we manage them?

Colin will present a new agenda for human analytics that leverages the benefits of human judgement whilst mitigating the imperfection of human reasoning.

The State of the Major Marketing Clouds and the Road Ahead. Conference Chair Scott Brinker will moderate a candid fireside chat with John Watton, EMEA marketing director of Adobe, Sylvia Jensen, director of EMEA marketing at Oracle, Jeremy Waite, head of digital strategy EMEA at Salesforce, and Elizabeth Smyth, area VP of marketing at Marketo. This open conversation will cover the trends that they’re seeing in the field, differences and similarities in how they view the evolution of their products, the ecosystems of other technologies being shaped around their platforms, and patterns of adoption and transformation they’re seeing among their customers.

The Intertwining of Agencies, Systems Integrators, and Management Consultants. Agencies. Marketing service providers. Systems integrators. Management consultants. Marketing technology vendors with professional services offerings. They all want to be the best friend of the CMO.

Scott will moderate a fireside chat with representatives from each, including Jason Heller, global lead of digital marketing operations at McKinsey & Company, Stephan Pretorius, president of WPP marketing tech agency Acceleration, Anatoly Roytman, managing director EALA at Accenture Interactive, and Amanda Gosling, global partner at IBM Interactive Experience, to answer the question “Who does what?”

Whilst each of these players has a different set of strengths, they increasingly overlap in the services they provide — and compete for influence with the same set of senior decision-makers. We’ll compare and contrast different views of how they fit together.

Adapting Technology Management Concepts for Marketing Management. Scott will discuss how successful management frameworks from the software industry can be adapted to the practice of marketing, including: agile and lean management methodologies, structured innovation techniques, pragmatic approaches for scaling up in a fragmented and constantly shifting environment, and strategies to unleash the full potential of talent in a digital age.

Rates Increase Friday
Sound like the conference for you? Then register now and pay just £895 for your ticket, a £200 savings. You’ll participate in all of the sessions, fireside chats and networking events that make MarTech a unique and memorable experience.

MarTech is an ideal conference to share with colleagues. Teams of 3 or more save 15-25%. See how much you can save here.

Next week will be too late to get the lowest conference rates. Register now!

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