Facebook's Still Developing A 'Dislike Button', We Already Got The Emoticon For You! How ? Here is the Solution!

Facebook's Still Developing A 'Dislike Button', We Already Got The Emoticon For You! How? Here's the solution!

Hey guys, as you already know Facebook is planning to develop a 'dislike' button. A researcher named Roy Jansen found out that Facebook already supports the usage of the 'dislike' icon. (for example in a status-post and/or comment)

He noticed the CSS of Facebook requires a .PNG file named: aeO1ik7i7-T.png

How to use this 'dislike' icon on your website/blog?

  • HEX Code:
  • Escape Code:

Or you can simply 'copy/paste' this icon ""

About the Author:
Roy Jansen is a 'standalone' security researcher, because of his passion he was acknowledged by big companies. He loves to work with other security enthusiasts.

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