Final Agenda For MarTech Europe Is Up. Register Now!

Enhance business results with technology-powered marketing. Attend MarTech: The Marketing Tech Conference.

Marketing technology experts from Europe’s leading companies will share successes and learnings. They’ll discuss implementing marketing solutions and re-engineering their organisations to optimise the investment.

Keep reading for what to expect at MarTech or check out the complete agenda. Then reserve your spot at low “beta” rates before they expire next week!


Chief Marketing Technologists to Illuminate IT/Marketing Collaboration. Andreas Starke, the chief marketing technologist at SAP, will share his experience in helping to transform SAP’s own marketing department, including the architecture and implementation of a single marketing platform for real-time customer insights. Thomas Burklé, chief marketing technologist at the Hager Group, will describe the exciting collaborations between marketing and IT at his company to pioneer new “smart home” opportunities — and discuss the “Uber-isation” of business that every business (not just Uber) should be considering.Martin Majlund, group marketing technologist at Carlsberg Group, will share his story of how marketing and IT began working together to create a global foundation for scalable digital innovations.

Insights on Technology-Powered Digital Marketing Leadership. James Moore, senior director of marketing at eBay, will discuss the company’s journey to building out an omni-channel marketing capability on a global scale, including changes in structure, process, technology, culture, and leadership required to make it happen. Cristian Citu, director of global digital marketing at DHL, will provide insights on how the world’s largest logistics group approaches digital marketing KPIs, the practises for working with and managing digital partners, and the hunt for new digital revenue streams.

Marketing Technologists on How to Grow Marketing Operations. Gijs van Kersen, senior manager marketing operations at Juniper Networks, will describe how his company resolved challenges of organisational processes and staff training to effectively harness marketing automation and tracking platforms. Diederik Martens, global marketing automation manager at Quintiq/3DS, will reveal which technologies, tools, processes, insights, and best practises worked — and which didn’t — in growing a marketing operations department from square one. AndGary Verster, senior marketing operations manager at Trend Micro, will talk about “life on the ground” of how a technologist really fits into the marketing team, especially when it’s emerging as a new role.

martechuk-attendees-1200x800Strategies for Broader Digital Transformation. Ashley Friedlein, CEO of Econsultancy, will give a talk on innovative, “blank sheet of paper” organisational designs that enable true digital transformation and customer-centricity — and share examples of pioneering companies who are already implementing them. Neil Perkin, director of the consultancy Only Dead Fish, will explore the steps existing companies must take to become genuinely “digitally native” in their organisational design, innovation, talent, culture, and strategy.

How to Select and Implement the Right Marketing Technology for Your Firm. Theresa Regli, managing director of Real Story Group, will address the hundreds of available choices in the marketing technology landscape that can feel very overwhelming and answer the question: how should you go about selecting the right mix of tools to fulfill your digital marketing vision? Matt Lerner, the London distro partner for 500 Startups, will reveal how their business accelerator built an in-house “Distro Hacking” team that has worked (in the code) with hundreds of start-ups, helping them build and scale their marketing platforms. He’ll tell you which tools they use and how to complete projects that get results, quickly, and on a budget. And Cleve Gibbon, chief marketing technology officer at Cognifide, will share lessons learned from delivering customer experience management platforms for major brands in buying and building new systems and bridging between (or burning!) existing marketing technologies.

martechuk-signage-1200x800Changing Your Marketing Technology Capabilities. Colin Lewis, marketing director of bmi — British Midland regional airline, will describe their decision to completely replace their reservations system and e-commerce system — completed in 4 months from a standing start to a full-scale launch. Colin will share the story of the choices, the compromises, the debates and the discussion, the partners and the platforms and the cutover and the craziness to get a business-changing technology platform live. Anyone who is facing a significant “rip-and-replace” effort with a major marketing technology system will benefit from Colin’s experience and advice.

Analysis of the Latest Content Marketing and Social Media Marketing Technologies. Ian Cleary, the CEO of RazorSocial and the world’s foremost authority on social media tools, will discuss the significant changes underway in that space and how businesses can leverage these latest technologies for measurable results from social media. Dr. Dave Chaffey, the CEO of Smart Insights, will show how marketing technologies for content planning, management, personalization, and workflow can integrate content creation, publication and distribution — and how the latest measurement tools for content marketing can better evaluate ROI.

Check out conference chair Scott Brinker’s full session preview here.

Low Rates Expire Next Week
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