GE Predix Platform implants Pitney Bowes Location Intelligence and Data Quality

GE and Pitney Bowes have announced that Pitney Bowes location intelligence and data quality solutions will be embedded in GE Predix, the cloud-based platform for creating innovative Industrial Internet applications that turn real-time operational data into insight for better and faster decision-making.

Collaborating on the GE Predix platform enables business leaders to address mission-critical challenges across large-scale industrial environments. This level of intelligence spans physical and digital networks to speed operational decisions that deliver cost efficiencies, improve performance and increase revenues.

Location intelligence and data quality are the two of the most critical aspects of data analytics for industrial enterprises. Pitney Bowes’ location intelligence capabilities cover 122 countries at point and street level, 240 countries and territories at postal and place levels, and provide the accuracy and precision necessary for industrial data processing needs. Multitudes of data collected by sensors on machines and assets are presented geospatially and analyzed to reveal business intelligence in real time across industrial networks....Read more