Google Knowledge Graph is capable of finding details of 900 health conditions

The Google Knowledge Graph is an analytical system from the coveted search giant which was launched in May 2012. The graph is developed with the intent of enabling people to understand about various diseases, illnesses and other health conditions. The analytical system used by Google for its knowledge graph is based on collating information about different demography, geographies, regional variations and other information and trying to find a pattern by ascertaining a correlation among them.

The Knowledge Graph was initially designed as a fact finding tool which was expanded this year in February to include details and finding facts about various health related information. The information is gathered from several sources and is synthesised to form the knowledge graph that allows fining accurate facts about specific entities.

The current knowledge graph includes details of more than 900 health conditions. These include various illnesses and diseases prevalent around the world and has now information pertaining to several diseases that are more infectious in the tropical climates. Such diseases are slated to have been affecting a population of over 1.5 billion in tropical regions and therefore information about such diseases can contribute tremendously towards finding their cures.

The information provided by Google Knowledge Graph can be used by the patients to understand their own ailments and verify the diagnosis of their physicians. This is very much relevant in places with fewer or inefficient physicians.

Physicians too can check the Knowledge Graph to understand various types of ailments and diagnose them better. They can then find suitable cure for them and help their patients. The Knowledge Graph is expected to include several more health conditions in the near future thereby moving a step closer to becoming a well organised and detailed source of information for the various health conditions.