Not so Ordinary Remote Administration Tool - Pupy

Pupy is a remote administration tool with an embeded Python interpreter, allowing its modules to load python packages from memory and transparently access remote python objects. The payload is a reflective DLL and leaves no trace on disk.

Features :

  • On windows, the Pupy payload is compiled as a reflective DLL and the whole python interpreter is loaded from memory. Pupy does not touch the disk :)
  • Pupy can reflectively migrate into other processes
  • Pupy can remotely import, from memory, pure python packages (.py, .pyc) and compiled python C extensions (.pyd). The imported python modules do not touch the disk. (.pyd mem import currently work on Windows only, .so memory import is not implemented).
  • modules are quite simple to write and pupy is easily extensible.
  • Pupy uses rpyc and a module can directly access python objects on the remote client
    • we can also access remote objects interactively from the pupy shell and even auto completion of remote attributes works !
  • communication channel currently works as a ssl reverse connection, but a bind payload will be implemented in the future
  • all the non interactive modules can be dispatched on multiple hosts in one command
  • Multi-platform (tested on windows 7, windows xp, kali linux, ubuntu)
  • modules can be executed as background jobs
  • commands and scripts running on remote hosts are interruptible
  • auto-completion and nice colored output :-)
  • commands aliases can be defined in the config

Quick start

In these examples the server is running on a linux host (tested on kali linux) and it's IP address is
The clients have been tested on (Windows 7, Windows XP, kali linux, ubuntu, Mac OS X 10.10.5)

generate/run a payload

for Windows

./ -p 443 -t exe_x86 -o pupyx86.exe
you can also use -t dll_x86 or dll_x64 to generate a reflective DLL and inject/load it by your own means.

for Linux

pip install rpyc #(or manually copy it if you are not admin)

start the server

  1. eventually edit pupy.conf to change the bind address / port
  2. start the pupy server :

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