Participate in Our Audience Survey & Enter To Win A $50 Amazon Gift Card

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We’ve got a special request of our Search Engine Land readers. Take our 2-minute audience survey! Please?

If helping us keep the lights on isn’t enough of an incentive, we’ll include a chance to win one of three $50 Amazon Gift Cards.

You can find the survey here:

We need the survey results so we know who you are. Not personally who you are, but in general. What job do you have? What products and services do you buy? This information helps us tell potential advertisers about the Search Engine Land audience.

Completing this survey takes about two minutes. We ask for your email address only so that we can notify the gift card winners. That’s all — promise. We won’t sell your email or send you more stuff because you took the survey.

Everyone who fills out the survey by Wednesday, September 23 will be automatically entered in the drawing for a $50 Amazon Gift Card. We’ll contact winners on Sept 24th.

Thanks for taking time out for our audience survey!

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