Rates For Marketing Land’s SocialPro Conference Increase Saturday. Register Today!

SocialPro15-1920x1080-OG-2Social media is not just funny memes or signing off with a trending hashtag. The evolution of social media has opened up a Pandora’s box for marketing practitioners including:

  • optimizing content for maximum social distribution;
  • managing platform fragmentation beyond Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn;
  • obtaining tangible data to justify investment in social media;
  • implementing real-time marketing plans that drive customer retention and revenue.

Conquer these challenges – attend Marketing Land’s SocialPro, THE conference designed for social media savvy professionals. Learn proven tactics that deliver quantifiable results. Register for SocialPro and save with the lowest conference rates, expiring Saturday.

Two days of innovative multi-track sessions, workshops, boot camp, and career-defining connections await you. Past attendees were satisfied with their experience, and so will you!

Final Chance To Save $300
Register now for an All Access Pass and pay the lowest conference rate of $1395, $300 off on-site rates. Add a in-depth, pre-conference workshop and pay $2195, a $600 savings.

Share the learning and save an additional 10-20% with our team rates.

This is your last chance to secure your spot at the lowest rate. Be a part of the SocialPro conference experience and transform tactics into results. Register today!

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