This Week in Security News


Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days.

Below you’ll find a quick recap of topics followed by links to news articles and/or our blog posts providing additional insight. Be sure to check back each Friday for highlights of the goings-on each week!

China-based Cyber Attacks On US Military are Advanced, Persistent And Ongoing

A high-level hacking group dubbed Iron Tiger has been observed stealing trillions of bytes of confidential data from the US government, US defense contractors and related companies in the US and abroad, Trend Micro reports in its research paper Operation Iron Tiger: Exploring Chinese Cyber Espionage Attacks on U.S. Defense Contractors. More details here:

As the iPhone 6S Launches, it’s Time to Remember Some Mobile Security Basics

Given that the smartphone is effectively a mini-computer in your pocket, it’s susceptible to most of the major threats facing your Internet-connected PC at home. Web-based attacks, social media threats, online banking attacks, phishing, spam and other email borne threats are all capable of affecting smartphones.

FBI Warns Public on Dangers of the Internet of Things

The FBI has a rather different approach towards the Internet of Things, saying that users should deal with IoT devices with caution; otherwise they should keep it off the internet. In a Public Service announcement issued last week, the law enforcement agency discussed the potential security risks of using interconnected devices such as smart light bulbs, connected cars, smart fridges, wearables, and other home security systems.

Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush Unveiled his Cybersecurity Policy

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush unveiled his cybersecurity policy, saying the United States has not kept up with the growing threat of online attacks and calling for the government to work with private industry to shore up defenses. 

Russian Authorities are Arresting More and More Hackers who Hack Russians

While Russia might seem to offer an anything-goes environment for homegrown cybercriminals, the reality is a bit more nuanced. There are two unwritten cybercrime rules for Russians, one of which is don’t hack your own country.

How Command and Control Servers Remain Resilient

Today, detecting and mitigating C&C servers can be remarkably difficult. While C&C servers are commonly thought of as limited to use by botnets, that is no longer the case – many different threats require C&C servers to function correctly today, not just botnets. 

What’s More Concerning: Targeted Attacks and APTs?

Some companies like to talk about APTs because it’s good for the press. However, most people and organizations are not facing that kind of well-funded, super-skilled threat. They’re facing a different kind of threat.

Cybersecurity Scholarships were Awarded to University of West Florida Students

The University of West Florida Center for Cybersecurity has awarded 33 scholarships to undergraduate students in core programs that support cybersecurity. Scholarship recipients will receive $4,500 over two years to support their progress toward degree completion.


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from Trend Micro Simply Security