Advanced Threat Tactics Course

The Advanced Threat Tactics Course is an epic / free course put out by Raphael Mudge last month, that really made me smile. I've always been a fan of Raphi's work, but this course was phenomenal. It brings the viewer to the current 'state of the art' within red teaming in regards to attack campaign simulation, assumed compromise and red team operations producing IOCs for blue team deconfliction and education. It's the kind of course I feel every red teamer or pen-tester should see, as it summarizes and then advances the art with his coverage of many popular community tools and the additions in Cobalt Strike 3. The majority of the class is centered around Cobalt Strike 3, but the theories and techniques covered are more pervasive, applying to penetration testing in general and being just as insightful to those who don't use Cobalt Strike. The whole class is just shy of 6 hours long (running 350 minutes) and split into 9 videos, covering the general life cycle of the attack. The course also references the community wherever possible, pointing out other tools, presentations and blogposts that cover subjects more in depth (as well as being self-referencing). The course is fairly technical, walking participants through many attacks using Cobalt Strike and other tools, making it highly recommended to practitioners, as well as conveying theories about threat and campaign replication. Beyond threat simulation, these theories promote a constantly responding and attacking purple team that refines and hones the security posture with tighter iterations. All of that said, and a little extra red team wisdom, here's Raphael Mudge's Advanced Threat Tactics Course: