Amazon Inspector and Deep Security

AWS announced several news services during the day 1 keynote at AWS re:Invent. One of these services is Amazon Inspector. This service is aimed at helping users secure their applications running on AWS and it’s a fantastic complement to Trend Micro’s Deep Security.

What is Amazon Inspector?

Amazon Inspector uses an agent to analyze activity on the user’s EC2 instances during a set analysis period. The agent looks for issues that fall broadly under the categories of CVE compliance, network security, and OS hardening.

The service takes what it finds on the instances and compares it to known best practices. The user is then presented with a series of findings highlighting issues that should be looked at. It is up to the user to implement the right mitigation for each finding.


While Amazon Inspector finds various issues, Deep Security is in the perfect position to mitigate those issues.

When Inspector highlights a problem pertaining to a specific CVE (say 2014–6271 a/k/a Shellshocked), Deep Security can mitigate this issue by applying the appropriate rule…in this case an intrusion prevention rule.

This combination of Amazon Inspector highlighting issues and Deep Security mitigating them is extremely powerful.

As an Advanced Technology Partner, we’re working to ensure that Deep Security has a tight integration with the new service. Look for more in this space soon.

What’s my next step?

Amazon Inspector is available soon. Once it is, you’ll be able to gain a lot of insight into your deployments. To protect those deploys and mitigate any findings that Amazon Inspector surfaces, Deep Security is a great choice.

You can get started quickly with our 30 day free trial. You can ensure you’ve got the latest protection with Deep Security by using our full policy automated feature. I’ve got a quick video how-to up to get you jumpstarted.

What do you think of Amazon Inspector? Let me know on Twitter where I’m @marknca or at re:Invent, we’re in booth 1004.

from Trend Micro Simply Security