Bing Ads Editor Gets An Update With More Horsepower

bing-books-bookstore-ss-1920Bing Ads Editor version 10.9 is now available, promising more speed and less memory drain.

Here’s a rundown of what to expect speed-wise:

Big accounts in particular (think in the range of 2 million keywords and 1 million ads) should notice the acceleration.  Bing Ads says that displaying large accounts is more than twice as fast, and downloading large accounts is 30 percent faster.

Across accounts of all sizes, switching between built-in views is twice as fast and finding and replacing ads is up to 4x faster in version 10.9 compared to the previous version, according to the blog post. Switching between tabs should also be smoother.

In terms of memory consumption, 10.9 should take up 70 percent less memory than the older version.

So long, WAP ads. Wireless Application Protocol ads, the first generation of mobile ads, are no longer supported in 10.9.

Product ads, product ad extensions and product targets are also no longer supported now that Bing Ads has adopted the Shopping Campaign format. Shopping Campaign support, however, is still not available. You’ll have to continue managing those campaigns in the UI.

Those with Bing Ads Editor already installed will get an alert to update within the next few weeks. Or you can download it now here.

The post Bing Ads Editor Gets An Update With More Horsepower appeared first on Search Engine Land.