Bing Ads Updates UET Conversion Tracking: Clearer Set-Up, More Features


Bing Ads has released a big update for Universal Event Tracking, the relatively new conversion and goal tracking for Bing Ads that will also soon power retargeting on search.

If you haven’t implemented Universal Event Tracking (UET), or were just overwhelmed by the set up process, you’re in luck. The implementation is now much more intuitive because tag creation (generating the tracking pixel to place on your site) and goal creation (telling Bing Ads what you want to track) have been separated. The tasks are clearly delineated in a common sense fashion.

The set up steps are now found under a new Conversion Tracking section rather than Shared Library.

bing ads uet set up

Default Revenue Settings,Unique Conversion Support

Other updates include the ability to set a default revenue value for conversions that have no assigned value (a dealer locator click, appointment request, etc.) and support for unique conversions. As with AdWords, when you set a goal to count unique conversions Bing Ads will count only one conversion that happens after a click. A common use case is sites that have multiple download options — with the unique conversion setting, one person who downloads four white papers will be counted as one conversion action, not four.

Cross Account Tracking — Possible Updates Needed

A new Scope option allows advertisers to apply a conversion goal across multiple accounts that send traffic to the same site.

The thing to know is that this is now the default on all of your existing conversion goals will have the scope of “Across all accounts”. If if you have multiple accounts for the same site and don’t want the conversion goal to apply across accounts, you’ll have to create new goals because you can’t go back and edit of the scope property.

Other Updates And Campaign Analytics Reminder

There are several other updates that are less significant, but that you should be aware of. Check out the full blog post.

If you’re still using the old Campaign Analytics for conversion tracking instead of UET, start making a plan to make the switch soon. Support for Campaign Analytics will be shut off in the coming months.

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