Edward Cryptickiller Creates The Biggest Wordlist Containing 4.9 Million Passwords | Wordlist | Hacking |

Online threats, it seems despite all the security measures have only been increasing. Although there are significant efforts from the various governments and also the fact that the world now has more cyber security experts than ever before, the security threats only seem to increase exponentially.
In recent times we have seen a lot of hacks on government websites and other social media websites where the cyber criminals have posted millions of ids and passwords online. A very recent threat has been the creation of the biggest wordlist ever created. It has been created by Edward Cryptickiller and has very 4.9 million passwords in the list.

The list is pretty comprehensive and is very useful for cyber criminals who can easily download the list from the website of Edward Cryptkiller and use if for brute force attacks. The list contains frequently used passwords and it cans easily crack even the most complicated and encrypted of the ids.

A brute force attack tries several passwords in an automated manner one after the other till it inserts the right password in the password field. At this point, the password is cracked and the attacker gets an access to the login credentials of the users.

There seems to be an immediate need to counter such threats. With the growing use of the internet, more than half of the world’s population is online. It also means that their confidential and sensitive information is also online and its security is threatened by such cyber criminals.

The rising threat of terrorism has resulted in a kind of cyber terrorism who are much more dangerous than the regular cyber criminals. They target not just individuals but also governments. The need of the hour is to counter this threat immediately and take corrective steps to reduce the menace they create.