Friday fantasies

Pleasure for cats
Forthcoming events. This Kat has been busily adding a smattering of new events to the list of attractions you can attend in the coming days, weeks or months, depending on how long in advance you fill in your diary.  Just click here and scroll down till you find something you fancy. 

Fashion for cats
In the fashion. One forthcoming event is this year's nearly-annual conference on Intellectual Property in the Fashion Industry, coming up in Central London next Thursday (ie 22 October).  Run by CLT, it's definitely one of the more fun events of the year, combining serious legal perspectives with some very lively questions, answers and debating points from IPKat blogmeister Jeremy in the chair.  You can check out the details of this year's programme here. He's not the only Kat on the programme, though, or even the only blogger, since Katonomist and occasional provocateur Nicola Searle is speaking too. There is also a chance to meet Judge Melissa Clarke, who is one of the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court's judges.  Do join us!

Lunch for friends of cats
Are you an IP Publisher or Editor? If so, and if you plan to attend this year's meeting on Wednesday 25 November, do remember to let the organisers know.  The event is being hosted in the London offices of law firm Veale Wasbrough Vizards, with at least five members of the IPKat blogging team in attendance.  Do register earlier rather than later since, while the delicious buffet lunch will be there in sufficient quantity, space for people planning to be there to eat it is a bit limited.  For full details, just click here.

Elitism for cats
Around the weblogs.  Mark Anderson has been provocative again on IP Draughts: is elitism justifiable in IP, he asks. PatLit carries two pieces of note: one is Dave Berry's post on scope for inventors in the US whose names are omitted from patents to sue for loss of reputation that would be the consequence of their having been named. The other is Michael Thesen's appraisal of a recent German ruling on infringement by equivalent means. The 1709 Blog carries yet another CopyKat copyright round-up from the ever-energetic Ben Challis, plus a thoughtful post by Andy Johnstone on the risk of confusion that can result from the use of short-hand terms such a "public domain" and "derivative works".  It has been a big week for the Class 99 design law blog, with a double-header (here and here) by David Musker on priority problems.  There's also an analysis by Krystian Maciaszek of an interesting encounter between a Community registered design and a French trade mark. Finally, SOLO IP brings to light Sally Cooper's fears that phishing might be a bigger threat to IP practice than the usual flow of misleading invoices and renewal notices that appear to have become a permanent feature of our environment.

Scholarship from cats
JIPLP news. The Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice's 10th Anniversary Conference, coming up on Thursday 26 November and hosted in the lovely facilities of the London office of law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, is now totally booked out. This is where the editorship of JIPLP is transferred from IPKat blogmeister Jeremy to the new editors Eleonora Rosati, Stefano Barazza and Marius Schneider.  It's also Jeremy's last public appearance before he retires.  There is a wait-list if you would still like to attend and are hoping for a cancellation. For details of the conference and the wait-list just click here. For the contents of the latest JIPLP, click here.