Google Confirms The Real Time Penguin Algorithm Is Coming Soon


Google’s Gary Illyes said today at SMX East that next Penguin update will be in the “foreseeable” future, adding “I hope” by the end of the year and will be the real-time version of the algorithm.

Back in July, Gary Illyes told us that Penguin was months away and we are almost there. And now it seems like the update will be happening pretty soon. Illyes was overly cautious and would not give us a timeline or date, but he did imply it will be happening soon.

Real-time Penguin

This version of the Penguin algorithm will be realtime, at least that is the goal Gary said. That means that as soon as Google discovers that a link is removed or disavowed, that the Penguin algorithm will process it in real time and you would be able to recovery from a Penguin penalty incredibly quickly. At the same time, you can end up with a Penguin penalty just as quickly.

Google has told us this back in June already but it is nice to know they are on track to make this happen soon.

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