How Secure Is Your Password?

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Rik Ferguson is Trend Micro’s vice president of security research. He has made a series of Internet security advice videos for consumers. In this video, he discusses password security and gives password tips in case you are not currently using Trend Micro™ Password Manager.

Here are some highlights of the video:

Using a password manager like Trend Micro Password Manager to help you with this important task keeps it simple and secure. Trend Micro Password Manager adds extra security by identifying weaker passwords, providing keystroke encryption to defend against key loggers, and includes a secure web browser for financial transactions on the web. The best part is, you only have to remember one master password.

If you are not using a password manager yet, here are tips to help you maintain the security of your online accounts and create stronger passwords until you make the switch:

  • Don’t log in to any private accounts on public computers at libraries, hotels or common work computers
  • Remember to never store passwords in any web browser even on your personal computer
  • Use a different password for each website account you create
  • Don’t use common combinations like 1234, ABCD or password or phrases such as “I love my dog” or simple names like Duke
  • Make sure it has at least 12 characters, includes both upper and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters like exclamation mark or hash
  • Consider using a phrase or a lyric that’s easy to remember as a basis for creating passwords. An example of this could be song lyric like: I’m just a poor boy from a poor family, or IJAPBFAPF.
  • When setting up security questions, don’t use common information that can be searched for online, like your mother’s maiden name, a previous address or phone number, make sure those questions are something that only you would know the answer to and can remember, the answers don’t need to be truthful, just memorable.

By following these simple tips, your online personal information and financial security will be better protected.

Watch the video now.

from Trend Micro Simply Security