How to Protect Your Computer from Malware

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Rik Ferguson is Trend Micro’s vice president of security research. He has created a series of Internet security advice videos to help consumers. In this video, he offers some tips on how to protect your computer from malware.


Video highlights include:

  • Protecting your computer and mobile devices requires personal vigilance and help from professional security companies like Trend Micro. Nowadays, malware doesn’t just target your home computers, but also the mobile devices that you and your family are using, and the problem is bigger than you might think.
  • You can be a victim of a malware attack through your web browsers, email, the social networks you use, instant messaging, and downloaded files. Your device, can be infected through almost any online process, or even a friend’s USB stick. So it’s important to use a security program that can provide complete proactive protection, so you don’t get infected.

Even if you’re using a security program, here are few ways to keep your devices from getting infected and from spreading malware:

  • Secure your network. Malware protection starts on your home networks and moves out from there. Make sure that your network router is password protected and that you are not using the factory supplied default password.
  • Ensure that you have a firewall installed and running on every computer that you use to prevent unauthorized access. A secure network is a first step to protecting your computers, and will also protect the mobile devices that connect to your home network.
  • Avoid spam. While on the Internet, don’t open spam of any kind. Remember, spam isn’t just emails in your junk folder, it can also be private messages, pop-up windows on websites, or ads in your social media feeds.
  • Be cautious of any unsolicited tech support, both on and offline.
  • Have open conversations with your kids and build trust with them. Also, you should set up parental controls on each device used in your family’s network environment.
  • Make sure that only administrators can install new software on the device, and limit guest user Internet access, if at all possible.
  • Keep programs up to date. Make sure that you keep all your devices updated to help secure them from attacks that exploit vulnerabilities on your system. This includes your operating systems, security programs, web browser, and plugins like Java, Adobe Flash, and Acrobat, or video players like Windows Media Player and Quick Time.
  • Do not save passwords in your web browser. Using a password manager is more secure and adds an extra layer of protection.

Trend Micro™ Password Manager is bundled with Trend Micro™ Maximum Security or Trend Micro™ Premium Security on your PC or can be downloaded and installed separately on your PC, Mac, Android, or iOS device.

If you don’t currently have a password manager, watch this video to get tips on creating a secure password.

By implementing these tips, you’ve taken the first steps to protecting yourself from malware attacks on your PC and mobile devices. Watch the video.

from Trend Micro Simply Security