HTTP Server for phishing in Python

HTTP server for phishing in python.

Usually you will want to run Weeman with DNS spoof attack. (see dsniff, ettercap).

Weeman will do the following steps:

  1. Create fake html page.
  2. Wait for clients
  3. Grab the data (POST).
  4. Try to login the client to the original page :smiley:


  • Python <= 2.7.
  • Python BeautifulSoup 4

Install Beautiful Soup

  • Archlinux - sudo pacman -S python2-beautifulsoup4
  • Ubuntu/Linuxmint - sudo apt-get install python-bs4
  • Fedora < 22 - sudo yum install python-beautifulsoup4
  • Fedora >= 22 - sudo dnf install python-beautifulsoup4
  • For another OS: - sudo pip install beautifulsoup4


  • Linux (any)
  • Mac (Tested)
  • Windows (Not tested)
[!] If weeman runs on your platform (Windows), (or not), please let me know.


Just type help

Run server:

The settings will be saved for the next time you run

Get Weeman

            git clone git://