Identities of 1000 KKK members will be revealed by Anonymous

The hacktivist group Anonymous has been at loggerhead with KKK or the notorious racist group Ku Klux Klan since the last year. A year ago, a black teenager named Mike Brown was gunned down by a cop Darren Wilson. The teenager was unarmed but was still shot by the cop. The grand jury did not indict Wilson which led to a widespread protest in Ferguson last year.

While protesting in support of the slain teenager, Anonymous clashed with the local members of the KKK – Traditionalist America Knights of Ku Klux Klan (TAKKKK). TAKKKK threatened members of Anonymous at the time of the protest last year. Anonymous has alleged that the local police force has ties with the KKK and it was the reason why the black teenager was killed by a white cop.

The first anniversary of the incident will be marked with the fresh protests. Anonymous hacked the primary Twitter account of KKK after the clash that took place last year and revealed the identities of some of the members of the white racist group.

As the date for the anniversary protests approaches, Anonymous has vowed to take down the social media accounts of KKK and reveal the identities of 1,000 members of KKK. The hacktivist group has also stated that they will bring down the website of KKK as a part of this massive hacking attack. Threatened by the warnings of Anonymous, several KKK members have left the group with the fear of facing a backlash if their identity is revealed.

Anonymous has released a statement making it clear that they are unhappy with the incidents like the one that occurred last year and want to avenge the victims of racist hatred like Mike Brown. Anonymous has warned KKK that any information or comment they post on the internet will be taken down.