89 lakh skilled workforce required in Electronics and Hardware sector-NSDC

According to a report by the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), the incremental human resource requirement in the Electronic and IT hardware sector is expected to be 89 lakh by 2022. Electronics and IT Hardware is one of the emerging sectors for employment growth in India. The industry currently employs over 4.3 million people across manufacturing, Sales and marketing (including Retail) and Repair & Maintenance segments. Demand for electronic and IT hardware products is expected to touch Rs.24 lakh crore mark by 2020.

According to the report India’s per capita GDP has nearly tripled since 2000, rising from US$455 to US$1,489 in 2012. This is expected to rise to over US$2,000 by 2017, and will continue to be the major source of demand in consumer electronics in the country. The key government- initiated programmes which include the UIDAI project, the National Knowledge Network (NKN) and the National Optic-Fiber Network (NOFN) will continue to be the primary demand driver for the consumer electronics in the country...Read more