Google Is Promoting Holiday Shopping Deals Via Text Alerts


Soon, people searching Google for shopping deals from their mobile phones could see an ad promoting a new text alert service.

The company announced it is “testing a new ad format that conveniently delivers the latest brand offers and updates straight to consumers’ phones via text messages. People can click to subscribe to a Google service that tailors promotional messages to products they’re interested in.”

Google has set up separate text message “subscriptions” for users searching for Black Friday deals, Cyber Monday deals and general holiday deals. Users who subscribe will receive text alerts about deals and promotions “from popular retailers.”

ads for google holiday deal text alerts

If you’re not seeing the ads and want to try this for yourself, text “JOIN” to one of these numbers:

For Black Friday: 847-904-0608
For Cyber Monday: 847-906-8958
For Holiday deals: 847-904-0596

You’ll get a text confirmation from Google, and at some point, you’ll begin receiving the promotional alerts.

google-holiday-deal-text-alertsWe’ve reached out to Google with several questions about this funky new feature and will update here when we hear back.

The post Google Is Promoting Holiday Shopping Deals Via Text Alerts appeared first on Search Engine Land.