Google to design its own chips for smartphone

Android is defiantly the future of the technology world. The smartphone will be able to handle the technical challenges of augmented reality, IoT, virtual reality and many more.

Augmented Reality (AR) is the most effective technology in providing real-time and real-world view information to users, where advancements in Smart Devices are expected to trigger various new AR services. IoT is a new emerging technology domain which will be used to connect all objects through the Internet for remote sensing and control. IoT uses a combination of WSN (Wireless Sensor Network), M2M (Machine to Machine), robotics, wireless networking, Internet technologies and Smart Devices. To address the growing demand in the enterprise mobility and social mobility, Google is ready to take the challenge to make a better Android for the future. Through this, your smartphone can handle the technical challenges of augmented reality, virtual reality, and whatever else smartphones will become...Read more