I’m Ineligible to Win the Family PAWtector Photo Contest, So You Have a Chance!

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It is often said that people look like their dogs. If you think the dog (a.k.a. Barney) with me in the picture accompanying this blog is debonair, then, of course, this true. God knows, if I am anything, I am debonair (confident, stylish, and charming).

Now, if you don’t think Barney is debonair, but rather a mangy mutt, then go take a long hike off a short pier.

But I have to be honest here, Barney is not my dog. He’s my son’s dog. My son Terence is also the photographer and a good one too, because I think this is a pretty great picture. Let’s analyze it to see why.

First, Barney is really upstaging me…or as they say in cyber-speak, he’s totally photobombing me, dude. Photo greatness attribute #1: Everyone loves dogs photobombing humans.

Second, our heads are facing the same direction with my human melon shadowing his canine noggin. Photo greatness attribute #2: symmetry.

Third, there’s the contrasting facial hair. My goatee, side burns, and eye brows are clean, trimmed, and neat, while Barney’s are wild, unkempt, and a bit dirty. Photo greatness attribute #3: differences – everything is beautiful in its own way.blog

Fourth, I’m wearing my coolest shoes, which were purchased in Tokyo – from a store near Shibuya crossing on a rainy night. The shoes are waterproof and they were on sale! Photo greatness attribute #4: fashionable footwear.

Fifth, don’t you wonder what the little flea bag was staring at? Could have been a grizzly bear or a butterfly for all I know. I’m obviously oblivious with my smartphone making me ignorant of my surroundings. Photo greatness attribute #5: mystery.

This is such a great photo on so many levels, I could go on forever, but I need to stop at 5 attributes. I’m confident if I were eligible to enter in Trend Micro’s Family PAWtector photo contest that it would easily win the big prize: a $1000 Amazon gift card.

However, since I am not able to win the contest, you, dear reader should be rejoicing and excited because now, knowing your stiffest competition is out of the running, you have a chance to claim the prize.

You’re welcome. Visit the photo contest website now.

from Trend Micro Simply Security http://ift.tt/1Q8g9xA