Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 - How to Use Trigger Events - Part 2

Hi All,

Let's start it from where we left in Last Post.

Recap - "We Created A Custom Table & Page, Linked that to Standard Item Page. Then we Created a Custom Codeunit, Created a Function in Codeunit which Subscribe the OnBeforeDelete Event of Item Table and Called Custom Code in the Subscriber Function."

If you are missing the Story, Refer Table of Index.

In this article we will try to bring the Value of Last Revision for Item When Item Get Selected in Sales Line Using Trigger Event Subscription.

JUST TO CLARIFY - "Some people are getting confused on the new approach of customization using Events. They Feel that everything will be 100% out of standard Code. It's not True. Field Addition and Event Definition are still need to be done on Base Objects."

So let's Continue. Create a Field "Latest Revision No." in Sales Line Table and in Sales Order Subform Page.

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