Tor messenger allow anonymous chat

For the users who are concerned about the security of their messages when they chat online via various messaging apps, there is a good news in the form or Tor Messenger. Tor Messenger is a product of the Tor Project which operates the Tor Network. Tor Project is a non-profit organisation that is primarily concerned with the safety of the online users.

The Tor Network is a secure network that enhances the security and the privacy of the users making it difficult for the attackers and hackers to snoop on them when they are online. The new messenger that has been named Tor Messenger by the Tor Project uses the transmission protocols of Instantbird. The Tor Messenger’s beta version supports off the record or ORT cryptographic protocol that do not exist in the original Instantbird messenger.

The beta version of this new messenger supports various regular messaging services that include Google Talk, Yahoo messenger, Twitter, IRC and Facebook Chat. For the users, it will give a similar feel of using their regular apps whereas at the backend their messages will be a part of the secure transmission.

All the communication over Tor messenger will be hidden and encrypted and will be transmitted though server routes that will remain hidden. Currently this messenger is available for Windows, Linux and Mac. Tor Project has always tried to provide a secure network to its users.

The new beta version of Tor Messenger is a step in this direction. Users no longer have to worry about their privacy being compromised. However, it will also mean that many of the messages that the governments or the intelligence agencies world over could also not be tracked. The services of this messenger can be misused by the terrorist organisations for sending secret messages without the fear of getting caught.