UK Government And GCHQ Are Investing £6.5m For Cyber Security

UK Government And GCHQ Are Investing £6.5m For Cyber Security. 

Cyber Analytics , Cloud protection and  the internet of things (IoT) are the most investment areas.

CyberInvest is about bringing together academia, industry and government to address the critical shortage of high-end cyber research in a more focused way," said GCHQ director Robert Hannigan during the annual IA15 conference in London.

According to Professor Angela Sasse, head of IT at University College London (UCL), a key benefit of the scheme for academia will be access to data held by GCHQ.

"To do effective research we need access to data in order to study the impact of the new ideas and new technologies that we are developing," she said.

"Sometimes the impression is that all academics want is more money. But in the cyber security space it's very important to realise it's not just about money."

However, while Sasse acknowledged that it may take some time for government and academia to figure out how to work well together she maintained they are natural allies.

"Academia will always be a friend of the government and industry but sometimes it has to be a critical friend," Sasse said.

This Joint program will help to fight and monitor by Cyber Crime.

Source: V3