Escape Review: EscapeSF, Antique Room
I recently played a fun real life escape game, near Chinatown in San Francisco, at EscapeSF. This time we played The Antique Room, which involved stealing the Mona Lisa from a cat burglar while he was out of his apartment for an hour. We made it out with 10+ minutes to spare, but we used some hints along the way, so we didn't make any high scores. Our team had exceptional synergy and our skills all complimented each other well. Overall, this game required more attention to detail and less direct puzzle solving, which was a very interesting take on the game. In turn, this meant there were less keys and lock combinations, and more magnetic triggers and doors. Again, this was a very interesting and notable effect, because when solved magnetized doors would pop open making a fun sound. I also really enjoyed that the game was limited to 5 people, as I felt this was the perfect team size for effective parallel problem solving, communication, and focus. Overall, it spanned four rooms and included a laser grid, which we paid for by setting off. Hands down I would play another game at this location. The staff was also really excellent, we would all joke around when they came on over the speakers to provide us hints.