For Festivus, Google Once Again Provides A Festivus Pole


Today is Festivus, when you should be airing your grievances and putting up the Festivus pole — assuming you celebrate the entirely fictional holiday made up by the Seinfeld television series in 1997. Google’s again in the spirit providing everyone with their own Festivus pole.

Just search for “festivus” on Google, and you’ll see the pole to the left of Google’s search results:


The pole even has a little stand way down at the bottom of the page. At the top, the page reminds you that today is the day with a big date and in smaller type above, “A festivus miracle” is shown next to the search count.

Google has done a Festivus pole since at least 2012. This year, it’s also continuing the long-standing tradition of special decorations for searches relating to Hanukkah, Christmas & Kwanzaa.

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