Fresh Kali install - msfconsole - Database not connected ?
Fresh Kali install - msfconsole - Database not connected ?
Hi All,
I'm new here and to pen Metasploit in general.
I've just installed Kali v1.0.9 64 bit and followed the instructions on getting the postgresSQL and metasploit framwaork running.
service postgresql start
service metasploit start
I then started msfconsole and checked the connection.
msf > db_status
[*] postgresql selected, no connection
I've looked around this forum and could find some info about a connecting to the database, but non of it seems to match
msf > version
Framework: 4.10.0-2014082101
Console: 4.10.0-2014082101.15168
I can't seem to find the database.yml in /usr/share/metasploit-framework/config/ just a .example and .travis. There is also no database.yml in the ~/.msf4 directory either.
Can anyone help me out here?
cp '/opt/metasploit/apps/pro/ui/config/database.yml' '/root/.msf4/'
cp '/opt/metasploit/apps/pro/ui/config/database.yml' '/root/.msf4/'
That will just do..
Fresh Kali install - msfconsole - Database not connected ?
Reviewed by 0x000216
Monday, December 21, 2015
Rating: 5