Getting Social With Search Engine Land: Our Most Engaging Stories Of 2015


Well readers, if you can even believe it, the year will be over in a mere 48-ish hours, and as it ends, 2016 will begin. It seems like just yesterday, experts were casting predictions for what 2015 would hold for the world of search. If we have learned anything over the past 12 months (and surely, we have learned a lot!), it is that time moves pretty dang fast. (Hello? 2016, already?!) But it’s not just time that moves quickly. It’s technology. And every year, its pace seems to double.

Yes, one of the most remarkable things about our industry surely is the incredible speed at which it evolves. New platforms, channels, tools and tactics emerge every single day, and it’s our job as cutting-edge professionals to stay as up to speed as possible. Daily digests like our SearchCap and Marketing Day can help keep us abreast of search, social and all-around digital marketing news as it happens, but as we enter into a new year, it can be insightful and inspiring to zoom waaaaay out and take a look at the stories our readers found most fascinating over the past 12 months.

This particular roundup, part of our annual year-in-review coverage, looks at the Search Engine Land stories that generated the most social engagement on Facebook and Twitter, that is, the most combined likes, favorites, shares, comments, retweets, replies — you name it, it was tallied. (We tip our hat to Simply Measured, a social analytics platform we used to gather these metrics!)

So, without further ado….

Search Engine Land’s Most Social Tweets Of 2015

For Twitter, total engagement points are defined as combined likes (favorites), retweets and replies. 

1. Research Reveals What It Takes To Rank In Mobile Search Results by Jayson DeMers, 10/20/15 – 202 engagement points

2. FAQ: All About The New Google RankBrain Algorithm by Danny Sullivan, 10/27/15 – 164 engagement points

3. Site Redesign & Migration Tips To Avoid SEO & UX Disasters by Modestos Siotos, 12/8/15 – 164 engagement points

4. Google Testing “Slow To Load” Warning Label In Mobile Search Results by Barry Schwartz, 6/15/15 – 145 engagement points

5. Mobilegeddon Checklist: How To Prepare For Today’s Google Mobile Friendly Update by Barry Schwartz, 4/21/15 – 142 engagement points

6. Keywords Are Back For Google Shopping Campaigns! by Daniel Gilbert, 9/23/15 – 133 engagement points

7. Google Panda 4.2 Is Here; Slowly Rolling Out After Waiting Almost 10 Months by Barry Schwartz, 7/22/15 – 132 engagement points

8. The 7 Characteristics That Can Make A Link “Bad” For SEO by Jayson DeMers, 12/14/15 – 131 engagement points

9. Infographic: Mobile SEO Tips To Help You Survive The Coming Google Mobilegeddon, 4/7/15 – 127 engagement points

10. DuckDuckGo Surpasses 10 Million Daily Queries  by Barry Schwartz, 6/23/15 – 124 engagement points

Search Engine Land’s Most Social Facebook Posts Of 2015

For Facebook, total engagement points are defined as combined likes, comments and shares. 

1. Google Is Hiring An SEO Manager To Improve Its Rankings In Google, 7/15/15 – 1061 engagement points

2. Google Files Suit Against SEO Firm Accused Of Robocalling, Launches Complaint Center For Users, 9/16/15 – 1017 engagement points

3. Google Releases The Full Version Of Their Search Quality Rating Guidelines, 11/19/15 – 1017 engagement points

4. It’s Official: Google Says More Searches Now On Mobile Than On Desktop, 5/5/15 – 901 engagement points

5. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Update Is Rolling Out Right Now, 4/21/15 – 703 engagement points

6. Google To Begin To Index HTTPS Pages First, Before HTTP Pages When Possible, 12/17/15 – 690 engagement points

7. Is “Facebook Professional Services” Facebook’s Stealth Project To Beat Yelp? 12/15/15 – 672 engagement points

8. FAQ: All About The New Google RankBrain Algorithm, 10/27/15 – 637 engagement points

9. Worldwide, More Than Half Of Google’s Searches Happen On Mobile, 10/9/15 – 594 engagement points

10. Google Search Algorithm Adds Mobile-Friendly Factors & App Indexing To Ranking, 2/26/15 – 523 engagement points

Until next year!

The post Getting Social With Search Engine Land: Our Most Engaging Stories Of 2015 appeared first on Search Engine Land.