PwC and NU to create trained Cyber Security professionals

Cyber Security market currently at $1 billion, is expected to grow to $35 billion by 2025. The demand for skilled professionals in the space is very high. To create a trained talent pool of Cyber Security professionals in India, PwC India and NIIT University (NU) have entered into a strategic partnership. Towards this end, academic experts from NU and senior professionals from PwC India have co-created a two-year work-integrated specialized Master’s Programme in Cyber Security.

Rajendra S. Pawar, Chairman, NIIT Group and Founder – NU, said, “Technology has changed the way businesses are run and has brought along with it unique challenges and threats. In today’s digitized environment securing our cyber space has become a priority for businesses and citizens across the world. This calls for a team of trained professionals who are equipped to combat the challenges that are posed by hackers every day.  Our partnership with PwC India is a step in that direction.”...Read more