Rainbow Tables: How to Create & Use Them to Crack Passwords
- Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux OS
- Admin, or root access
Step 1 Download & Install RainbowCrack
Text in bold means it is a terminal command (NT, OSX, or *nix). However, for this step, all commands in bold are for Linux only. The other operating systems use a GUI.RainbowCrack is the tool that we are going to be using to generate and use rainbow tables.
- Download RainbowCrack.
- Extract the archive (Windows and Mac users extract via GUI).
tar zxvf - Change to the new directory that has been made from extracting RainbowCrack.
cd - Configure the installation.
./configure - Now, compile the source code for installation.
make && sudo make install
Step 2 Generate a Rainbow Table and Crack with It
Now, lets generate a table that consists of all the alpha-lowercase and numeral characters. We want these to use the MD5 hash algorithm and be between 4-6 characters. All OS users must open a terminal, or a command prompt and be located in the RainbowCrack working directory.- In your working directory, issue the following command to start table generation.
rtgen md5 loweralpha-numeric 1 7 0 3800 33554432 0 - Sort the tables so the processor can access them quicker. The table files will be in the current directory. Run the following command on each of the files in the directory ending in *.rt.
rtsort <*.rt file>
- Let's hash the word "burger" with the MD5 algorithm and then use our tables to crack it. Notice the b is in lowercase. Here is our result: 6e69685d22c94ffd42ccd7e70e246bd9
- Crack the hash with the following command, along with the path to your file.
rcrack-h 6e69685d22c94ffd42ccd7e70e246bd9