Report: Top Domains In Google With Winners & Losers For 2015


Dr. Peter Meyers from Moz has published their top winning and losing domains in the Google search results for the 2015 year.

Moz tracks about 10,000 keywords on a daily basis and as of December 1, 2015, here are the top ten domains that get the most exposure across those 10,000 keywords:


Yes, Wikipedia still dominates by far, even with reports that Wikipedia has taken a dive in the Google search results this year.

But the truth is, Wikipedia did take a loss. According to Moz data, they are the second most impacted top domain of 2015 in terms of search visibility loss, right under Twitter. Yes, Wikipedia still is the number one ranked, but their number one ranking in 2014 was much more lucrative for them than towards the end of 2015.

Here is the top losers including Twitter, Wikipedia, eBay, Pinterest, Yelp and others:


How about the top winners?

Well, Amazon climbed to #2 overall with a 0.18% gain, esty came up out of nowhere and we also have YouTube, Google Play and Apple iTunes amongst others. Here is the top winners chart:


Back to Esty, they are the most improved domain by seeing a 156% gain. Esty was the most improved domain relative to their position in 2014, followed by Instagram which had a 123% gain. Here is that chart:


The study only went across the top 10,000 keywords that they track, but it is pretty solid data and interesting information for a year end study.

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