Schneider Electric leverages IoT Solutions to transform businesses

Schneider Electric (SE) is seeking to leverage its Internet of Things (IoT)-driven competencies to bring about process efficiency across businesses in India. IoT is an emerging industry in India and is expected to cross $15 billion by 2020. To support this industry, the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) has come out with a draft IoT policy that aims at building an entire ecosystem around IoT and to incentivize the players in the ecosystem. Home and building, manufacturing, consumer electronics, retail, power, transportation and healthcare are some of the key sectors which are likely to see major spendings on IoT.

SE has developed operator training simulators (OTS) that leverage IoT technologies so that knowledge can be transferred and skills developed in months – not years. OTS allows workers to experience and respond to simulated high-risk control room situations in a risk-free virtual-reality environment. Similar to how airline pilots or astronauts train, simulators throw various “failure issues” and problems at trainees to ensure they can cope with malfunctions and upset conditions...Read more