Uncomplicating PCI Compliance in the Modern Data Center & Cloud

Forrest McMahon

There is no set rule for maintaining compliance in the data center. You’ll face scoping concerns and additional risks associated with virtualization and cloud computing. But it is possible. And if you do it right, it can be relatively painless too.

Your ability to achieve overall compliance with any regulation or standard depends on the specific design and implementation your security solution and the context in which it is implemented. First, you must understand which entity is responsible for which PCI DSS control requirements. Your service provider must be able to monitor whether security and operating controls are in place and active “everyday”.

A security solution that is designed specifically for virtualization and cloud environments will make this task easier. In light of that requirement, PCI experts at Coalfire evaluated the rigors of a solution that has been built from the ground up for the modern data center. We examined the applicability of Trend Micro’s Deep Security platform to secure Payment Card Industry (PCI) data across physical, virtual, or cloud environments.

Want to learn more about how the modern data center and cloud impact how you achieve PCI DSS 3.1 compliance? Join me as I discuss deployment best practices and our recent study findings on how Trend Micro Deep Security can help in a live webinar on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 1:00 pm EST. We’ll discuss:


  • Effective strategies to streamline PCI DSS 3.1 compliance
  • Different ways physical, virtual, and cloud environments can impact compliance
  • Key approaches that will help you ease the impact of compliance and audits


Hope to see you there.

Forrest McMahon, CISM QSA
Director, Technology Advisory & Assessment Services at Coalfire

from Trend Micro Simply Security http://ift.tt/1lg4BgL