Book Review: "Social Engineering"

"Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking" by Christopher Hadnagy is often considered the definitive study guide to social engineering. The book arms readers with a vast array of research and techniques aimed at influencing people in every day situations. Mr. Hadnagy also teaches several classes on the subject, which have all received very high praise, and founded the Social Engineers CTF at Defcon, the SECTF. That said, I purchased and read this book several years ago, but find myself constantly coming back to its teachings. At 416 pages, you can pick a copy of the book up from Amazon, anywhere from $3 - $20. This was Chris's first book, but since its amazing success within the industry, he has been encouraged to write two more books, to date. That said, I give the book 8 / 10 stars because it's a great technical guide for geeks to get into social reading and manipulation. I recommend the book to those into psychology, human interaction, non-verbal languages, penetration testers, and social engineers alike. There are some mixed reviews out there, but some of the bad ones seem to be people judging the act of social engineering itself, not the book on the subject. That said, this is one of the best books on the subject and this is coming from someone who has used these tricks in multiple, professional social engineering engagements, so my rating comes from the perspective of practical application. Like most of my reviews, the following is the major chapters and contents of the book:


Preface and Acknowledgments

Chapter 1: A Look into the World of Social Engineering

Why This Book Is So Valuable
Overview of Social Engineering

Chapter 2: Information Gathering

Gathering Information
Sources for Information Gathering
Communication Modeling
The Power of Communication Models

Chapter 3: Elicitation

What Is Elicitation?
The Goals of Elicitation
Mastering Elicitation

Chapter 4: Pretexting: How to Become Anyone

What Is Pretexting?
The Principles and Planning Stages of Pretexting
Successful Pretexting

Chapter 5: Mind Tricks: Psychological Principles Used in Social Engineering

Modes of Thinking
Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)
Interview and Interrogation
Building Instant Rapport
The Human Buffer Overflow

Chapter 6: Influence: The Power of Persuasion

The Five Fundamentals of Influence and Persuasion
Influence Tactics
Altering Reality: Framing
Manipulation: Controlling Your Target
Manipulation in Social Engineering

Chapter 7: The Tools of the Social Engineer

Physical Tools
Online Information-Gathering Tools

Chapter 8: Case Studies: Dissecting the Social Engineer

Mitnick Case Study 1: Hacking the DMV
Mitnick Case Study 2: Hacking the Social Security Administration 
Hadnagy Case Study 1: The Overconfident CEO
Hadnagy Case Study 2: The Theme Park Scandal
Top-Secret Case Study 1: Mission Not Impossible
Top-Secret Case Study 2: Social Engineering a Hacker
Why Case Studies Are Important

Chapter 9: Prevention and Mitigation

Learning to Identify Social Engineering Attacks
Creating a Personal Security Awareness Culture
Being Aware of the Value of the Information You Are Being Asked For
Keeping Software Updated
Developing Scripts
Learning from Social Engineering Audits
Concluding Remarks

I found chapter 5 on NLP and reading body language to be massively influential, and it taught me several tricks that I use almost every day on a subconscious level. If I could recommend just one chapter out of this book, it would be chapter 5! I also recommend the text version of the story, because there are several images in the book that are critical to the examples, such as showing the facial expressions they are describing in chapter 5. The book also has other useful resources for hackers and social engineers other than just purly social, for example chapter 7 delves into OSINT gathering on the web and lock picking in meatspace. There are some other reviews out there that break the review down per chapter, I suggest reading them if you want more details on the techniques conveyed in each chapter. This is also a timely post, as it pulls several case studies from Kevin Mitnick's life, who's book we just covered earlier this month. Chris also runs a few websites dedicated to the art and book, like and From those sites, Chris also developed The Social Engineer's Framework, which is an entire wiki / guide on psychology and social engineering!! The following is an interview with Chris H, which covers a bunch of the topics in the book, and is wildly educational in itself!