DAws - Advanced Web Shell


There's multiple things that makes DAws better than every Web Shell out there:

º Bypasses Security Systems using various methods.
º Drops CGI Shells and communicate with them to bypass Security Systems.
º Uses the SSH Authorized Keys method to bypass Security Systems.
º Uses Shellshock to bypass Security Systems.
º Is completely Post Based and uses a XOR Encryption based on a random key that gets       generated with every new session + private base64 functions to bypass Security Systems.
º Supports Windows and Linux.
º Find a writeable and readable directory and moves there if it's a web directory.
º Drops a php.ini and a .htaccess file that clears all disablers incase "suphp" was installed.
º Has an advanced File Manager
º Mostly everything is done automatically (when it comes to command or script execution)


º dotcppfile
º Aces who helped me code the old version of DAws
º Vedu for checking and reporting bugs.