Digital initiatives to dive Networking Market: IDC

As per IDC’s (International Data Corporation) APeJ Quarterly Switch and Router tracker, with a quarter-on-quarter growth of 5.8 per cent and year-on-year by 2.5 per cent, the Ethernet Switch market clocked end-user revenue of US$134.5 million during Q3 2015. The Router market stood at US$71.95 million, a de-growth of 6 per cent in the market year-on-year and a growth of 5.3 per cent quarter-on-quarter in terms of end-user revenue.

With government initiatives now taking shape and form in various ministries/state governments and telecom sector getting ready for its next battle in terms of 4G LTE rollouts, network remains the key for these initiatives to be achieved. Digital initiatives have taken centre stage in most of the organizations and as third-platform technologies move from acceptance to adoption stage, network is expected to experience strain and hence will witness opportunities of upgrade as well as refresh in the next few quarters...Read more