Escape Review: Omescape, Kingdom of Cats

I recently played a fun escape room game with a great group of hackers, at Omescape in San Jose. Our group played the Kingdom of Cats room, which was unusually difficult and had a number of challenges I've never seen before, so def worth writing about. We did make it out, although we got an extra 10 minutes, so in total it took us 69 minutes to escape. We played with five people, although many of the tasks were non-parallel so it was the right amount of people in my opinion, as all five people were often focusing on the same task. Some of the really unique challenges involved an acute sense of sound and smell, these are the ones that slowed us down. We also got a walkie-talkie for asking questions, although we could have used a pen and paper too. The room itself was constantly expanding, when it started I was afraid it would be just one room, but secret door after secret door just kept reveling new parts to the game. One of my favorite aspects of this game was the cat theme, it made it really comical and cute throughout. Overall, I recommend this game but due to it's difficulty, I would recommend it for more advanced players.