First ever ANDROID RAT !

Have you been wondering if you could infect someone’s android device with RAT virus. Well , you have come at the right place. With this remote administration tool you can do these things remotely to the infected phone :
    • Media volume up/down
    • Ringer volume up/down
    • Screen On
    • Record Calls
    • Block SMS
    • Record Audio
    • Take Video
    • Take Photo
    • Send Text
    • Send Contacts
    • Get user accounts
    • Call Number
    • Delete Call Logs
    • Open Webpage
    • Update the app
    • Delete Files ( audio, video, pictures, calls )
    • Get Browser History
    • Get Browser Bookmarks
    • Get Call History
    • Open Dialog Box
    • Get Inbox SMS
    • HTTP flood
Screenshot (9)