Free PHP Programming eBook: PDF Download

Download free PHP programming language for dynamic web course material and training.
In this book you can find basic course of PHP programming. This book is especially for starters
  • What is PHP?
  • Setup and Installation
    • Installation on Linux
    • Installation on Windows
    • Installation on Mac OS X
  • Beginning with “Hello World!”
  • Basics
  • Commenting and Style
  • Arrays
  • Control structures
  • The if Structure
  • The switch Structure
  • The while Loop
  • The do while Loop
  • The for Loop
  • The foreach Loop
  • Functions, Files, Mailing
  • Cookies, Sessions
  • Databases, MySQL, PostgreSQL
  • PHP Data Objects
  • Integration Methods (HTML Forms, etc.)
Description: PHP programming language for dynamic web course material and training
File size: 267.46 KB
File type: PDF
Download: PHP Programming Book.PDF
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