GWPI Preparation: Current Affairs

The CAT Results are out. The GWPI (Group Discussion, Written Assessment/Aptitude Test, and Personal Interview) calls are trickling out. 

Current affairs/GK is one area most call-getters are not comfortable with. If you have got a GWPI call, then focus on the issues listed in the space below.

·          Global economics:

o   Slow
global economic recovery;

o   eurozone

o   U.S.
economy – jobless recovery and growth pangs;

o   Japan
and Abenomics;

o   Economic,
military & political power rise of China, and

– why Russia and Brazil are in recession.

·          Indian economy:

o   Current
state of the economy;

o   Reasons
behind slow GDP growth;

o   Faltering
reforms process;

o   Infrastructure
bottlenecks, including in railways;

o   FDI
(especially in multi-brand retail, insurance);

o   NITI

Cities plan;

o   Swachh

o   Digital India and Startup Ecosystem, and 
     o   Make
in India and industrial clusters.

·          Global politics:

o   China
- political & military muscle-flexing; 

o   Syrian
crisis – Role of the Islamic State;

o   Rise
of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria; 

o   Israel-Palestine

o   Rising
authoritarianism in Turkey;

o   Korean
peninsula – North Korea versus South Korea; 

o   Iranian
nuke plans and P+1 deal;

o   Terrorism
in Afghanistan & Pakistan;

o   Russia
– resurgence; also Russia-Ukraine crisis;

o   Post-Arab
Spring situation in Egypt, Libya, & Tunisia; 

o   Ebola
crisis in West Asia, and

o   Nigeria
- terrorism & Boko Haram. 

·           National political & social issues:

o   Recent
Assembly elections – impact on national polity;

o   J&K
– elections, Article 370, & Jammu-Valley tussle;

o   Naxalism
– origin, ideology, reach, methods;

o   Social
Media - freedom of speech & curbs;

o   Black
Money - menace of corruption;

o   Gender-related
issues, including safety issues, and

o   Religion – conversions &
reconversions debate.