HACK number of views on YOUTUBE (now also works on other video hosting services)

Ever wondered if you could increase your views to thousands and millions with just a few clicks ? well you can do it now .

How to use VideoPusher:

    1. Screenshot search button in VideoPusher Surf to your video. Use the embedded browser in VideoPusher or your prefered web browser.
    1. Copy the link to your video from the lower address bar (mark all with the mouse and press Ctrl+C).
    2. Paste the link into the upper address bar of your VideoPusher (click into the edit field and press Ctrl+V).
  1. Screenshot clicks property in VideoPusher Set up the amount of clicks you want VideoPusher to do for you.
    Hint: You can change the speed of the clicks in the preferences menu in the upper left corner of the VideoPusher screen. Every click will be delayed a few seconds between the min. and max. value.
  2. Screenshot Push button in VideoPusher Start and enjoy.
    Hint: Some video hosting services do not recalculate the view counts in real-time. It may take several hours before the results of your click promotion will be visible to the public.

Check if VideoPusher is working correctly:

  • Test result Press “Push Video” to start the test.
Screenshot (10)
Screenshot (13)Screenshot (14)
