How to open hidden files/folders from virus ifected usb

----------------------------------------------------- Trick 1 ----------------------------------------------------------

Try this 1 

Click on "Start" --> Run --> Type cmd and click on OK. 

"Command Prompt" will be opened. 

Here I assume your flash drive letter as G: 

Now enter the below command. 

attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.* 

[You can copy the above command --> Right-click in the Command Prompt and 

paste it.] 

Note : Don't forget to replace the letter g with your flash drive letter. 

Now press "Enter". 

Now check for your files in flash drive. 

Good Luck.
----------------------------------------------------- Trick 2 ----------------------------------------------------------
1)Click on the below link and download the file "AutorunExterminator" 

Extract it --> Double-click on "AutorunExterminator" --> Plug your flash drive now. 

This will remove the autorun.inf files from your flash drive and also from drives.

Now follow the above instructions by going to command prompt and entering the given command. 


Click on start --> run --> type control folders and press enter. Folder Options will be opened. 

Click on view tab --> select the option "show hidden files and folders" and uncheck the check box "hide protected operating system files" and 
Click on OK. 
Now look for your files in your pen drive. 

Good Luck

----------------------------------------------------- Trick 2 ----------------------------------------------------------
Try to kill first the Autorun file. 

Follow the steps below to do that: 

Step 1: 

Click on the below link and download the file "AutorunExterminator" 

Extract it --> Double-click on "AutorunExterminator" --> Plug your External

hard drive now. 

This will remove the autorun.inf files from your External hard drive and also from 

the drives. 

Step 2: 

Click on "Start" -->Run --> type cmd and click on OK. 

Here I assume your External hard drive as G: 

Enter this command. 

attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.* 

You can copy the above command --> Right-click in the Command Prompt and 

paste it. 

Note : Replace the letter g with your External hard drive letter. 

Now check for your files in External Drive. 

Step 3: 

After that, download the Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware from the below link 

Update it --> Perform "Full Scan" 

Note : Default selected option is "Quick Scan". 

Good Luck.