Joomla Security Scanner - Joomscan

Joomla is probably the most widely-used CMS out there due to its flexibility, user-friendliness, extensibility to name a few.So, watching its vulnerabilities and adding such vulnerabilities as KB to Joomla scanner takes ongoing activity.It will help web developers and web masters to help identify possible security weaknesses on their deployed Joomla! sites. No web security scanner is dedicated only one CMS.

The following features are currently available.

ºExact version Probing (the scanner can tell whether a target is running version 1.5.12)
ºCommon Joomla! based web application firewall detection
ºSearching known vulnerabilities of Joomla! and its components
ºReporting to Text & HTML output
ºImmediate update capability via scanner or svn

JoomscanJoomla Security Scanner: Joomscan

Advantage over a Generic Vulnerability Scanner

ºFaster because it won’t fuzz all requests like a generic scanner
ºDetect the application version when a generic scanner knows nothing
ºDetect all possible published vulnerabilities when a generic scanner cannot
ºPerl 5.6 or up