Linux 101 Hacks eBook Free Download

Linux 101 Hacks” by Ramesh Natarajan is available in PDF format for free. This book gives you practical examples to build a strong foundation in Linux.
Table of Contents
    • Chapter 1: Powerful CD Command Hacks
      • Hack 1. Use CDPATH to define the base directory for cd command
      • Hack 2. Use cd alias to navigate up the directory effectively
      • Hack 3. Perform mkdir and cd using a single command
      • Hack 4. Use “cd -” to toggle between the last two directories
      • Hack 5. Use dirs, pushd and popd to manipulate directory stack
      • Hack 6. Use “shopt -s cdspell” to automatically correct mistyped directory names on cd
    • Chapter 2: Date Manipulation
      • Hack 7. Set System Date and Time
      • Hack 8. Set Hardware Date and Time
      • Hack 9. Display Current Date and Time in a Specific Format
      • Hack 10. Display Past Date and Time
      • Hack 11. Display Future Date and Time
    • Chapter 3: SSH Client Commands
      • Hack 12. Identify SSH Client Version
      • Hack 13. Login to Remote Host using SSH
      • Hack 14. Debug SSH Client Session
      • Hack 15. Toggle SSH Session using SSH Escape Character
      • Hack 16. SSH Session Statistics using SSH Escape Character
    • Chapter 4: Essential Linux Commands
      • Hack 17. Grep Command
      • Hack 18. Find Command
      • Hack 19. Suppress Standard Output and Error Message
      • Hack 20. Join Command
      • Hack 21. Change the Case
      • Hack 22. Xargs Command
      • Hack 23. Sort Command
      • Hack 24. Uniq Command
      • Hack 25. Cut Command
      • Hack 26. Stat Command
      • Hack 27. Diff Command
      • Hack 28. Display total connect time of users
    • Chapter 5: PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 and PROMPT_COMMAND
      • Hack 29. PS1 – Default Interaction Prompt
      • Hack 30. PS2 – Continuation Interactive Prompt
      • Hack 31. PS3 – Prompt used by “select” inside shell script
      • Hack 32. PS4 – Used by “set -x” to prefix tracing output
      • Hack 33. PROMPT_COMMAND
    • Chapter 6: Colorful and Functional Shell Prompt Using PS1
      • Hack 34. Display username, hostname and current working directory in the prompt
      • Hack 35. Display current time in the prompt
      • Hack 36. Display output of any command in the prompt
      • Hack 37. Change foreground color of the prompt
      • Hack 38. Change background color of the prompt
      • Hack 39. Display multiple colors in the prompt
      • Hack 40. Change the prompt color using tput
      • Hack 41. Create your own prompt using the available codes for PS1 variable
      • Hack 42. Use bash shell function inside PS1 variable
      • Hack 43. Use shell script inside PS1 variable
    • Chapter 7: Archive and Compression
      • Hack 44. Zip command basics
      • Hack 45. Advanced compression using zip command
      • Hack 46. Password Protection of Zip files
      • Hack 47. Validate a zip archive
      • Hack 48. Tar Command Basics
      • Hack 49. Combine gzip, bzip2 with tar
    • Chapter 8: Command Line History
      • Hack 50. Display TIMESTAMP in history using HISTTIMEFORMAT
      • Hack 51. Search the history using Control+R
      • Hack 52. Repeat previous command quickly using 4 different methods
      • Hack 53. Execute a specific command from history
      • Hack 54. Execute previous command that starts with a specific word
      • Hack 55. Control the total number of lines in the history using HISTSIZE
      • Hack 56. Change the history file name using HISTFILE
      • Hack 57. Eliminate the continuous repeated entry from history using HISTCONTROL
      • Hack 58. Erase duplicates across the whole history using HISTCONTROL
      • Hack 59. Force history not to remember a particular command using HISTCONTROL
      • Hack 60. Clear all the previous history using option -c
      • Hack 61. Substitute words from history commands
      • Hack 62. Substitute a specific argument for a specific command
      • Hack 63. Disable the usage of history using HISTSIZE
      • Hack 64. Ignore specific commands from the history using HISTIGNORE
    • Chapter 9: System Administration Tasks
      • Hack 65. Partition using fdisk
      • Hack 66. Format a partition using mke2fsk
      • Hack 67. Mount the partition
      • Hack 68. Fine tune the partition using tune2fs
      • Hack 69. Create a swap file system.
      • Hack 70. Create a new user
      • Hack 71. Create a new group and assign to an user
      • Hack 72. Setup SSH passwordless login in OpenSSH
      • Hack 73. Use ssh-copy-id along with ssh-agent
      • Hack 74. Crontab
      • Hack 75. Safe Reboot Of Linux Using Magic SysRq Key
    • Chapter 10: Apachectl and Httpd Examples
      • Hack 76. Pass different httpd.conf filename to apachectl
      • Hack 77. Use a temporary DocumentRoot without modifying httpd.conf
      • Hack 78. Increase the Log Level temporarily
      • Hack 79. Display the modules inside Apache
      • Hack 80. Show all accepted directives inside httpd.conf
      • Hack 81. Validate the httpd.conf after making changes
      • Hack 82. Display the httpd build parameters
      • Hack 83. Load a specific module only on demand
    • Chapter 11: Bash Scripting
      • Hack 84. Execution Sequence of .bash_* files
      • Hack 85. How to generate random number in bash shell
      • Hack 86. Debug a shell script
      • Hack 87. Quoting
      • Hack 88. Read data file fields inside a shell script
    • Chapter 12: System Monitoring and Performance
      • Hack 89. Free command
      • Hack 90. Top Command
      • Hack 91. Ps Command
      • Hack 92. Df Command
      • Hack 93. Kill Command
      • Hack 94. Du Command
      • Hack 95. lsof commands.
      • Hack 96. Sar Command
      • Hack 97. vmstat Command
      • Hack 98. Netstat Command
      • Hack 99. Sysctl Command
      • Hack 100. Nice Command
      • Hack 101. Renice Command
Author(s): Ramesh Natarajan
File Size: 838 KB
File Format: PDF
Number of pages: – 140
Download Link: – Linux 101 Hacks